35 Bible Verses About Devil Attacks

The Bible warns us about the reality of the devil’s schemes and his attempts to attack and discourage believers. However, God’s Word also equips us with wisdom and strength to stand firm against these attacks. Below are Bible verses to help Christians understand and resist the enemy’s tactics.

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The Devil’s Schemes

The Bible teaches that the devil is crafty and relentless in his attempts to deceive and destroy. Understanding his schemes helps believers stay vigilant and rely on God for protection and guidance.

Ephesians 6:11

“Put on all of God’s armor so that you will be able to stand firm against all strategies of the devil.”

2 Corinthians 2:11

“So that Satan will not outsmart us. For we are familiar with his evil schemes.”

1 Peter 5:8

“Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour.”

John 8:44

“For you are the children of your father the devil, and you love to do the evil things he does. He was a murderer from the beginning. He has always hated the truth, because there is no truth in him.”

Genesis 3:1

“The serpent was the shrewdest of all the wild animals the Lord God had made. One day he asked the woman, ‘Did God really say you must not eat the fruit from any of the trees in the garden?'”

Resisting the Devil

God’s Word empowers us to resist the devil through faith, prayer, and reliance on the Holy Spirit. Resistance requires active trust in God’s promises and the authority He gives us in Christ.

James 4:7

“So humble yourselves before God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.”

1 Peter 5:9

“Stand firm against him, and be strong in your faith. Remember that your family of believers all over the world is going through the same kind of suffering you are.”

Matthew 4:10

“‘Get out of here, Satan,’ Jesus told him. ‘For the Scriptures say, ‘You must worship the Lord your God and serve only him.’'”

Luke 10:19

“Look, I have given you authority over all the power of the enemy, and you can walk among snakes and scorpions and crush them. Nothing will injure you.”

Ephesians 4:27

“For anger gives a foothold to the devil.”

God as Our Protector

In times of spiritual attack, God is our refuge and defender. He promises to protect and strengthen us, equipping us to withstand the devil’s assaults.

Psalm 91:4

“He will cover you with his feathers. He will shelter you with his wings. His faithful promises are your armor and protection.”

2 Thessalonians 3:3

“But the Lord is faithful; he will strengthen you and guard you from the evil one.”

Psalm 23:4

“Even when I walk through the darkest valley, I will not be afraid, for you are close beside me. Your rod and your staff protect and comfort me.”

Isaiah 54:17

“But in that coming day no weapon turned against you will succeed. You will silence every voice raised up to accuse you. These benefits are enjoyed by the servants of the Lord.”

Proverbs 18:10

“The name of the Lord is a strong fortress; the godly run to him and are safe.”

The Power of Prayer

Prayer is a vital weapon against spiritual attacks. It connects us with God’s power and aligns our hearts with His will, providing strength to combat the enemy.

Philippians 4:6-7

“Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.”

Matthew 26:41

“Keep watch and pray, so that you will not give in to temptation. For the spirit is willing, but the body is weak!”

Ephesians 6:18

“Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere.”

1 Thessalonians 5:17

“Never stop praying.”

Romans 8:26

“And the Holy Spirit helps us in our weakness. For example, we don’t know what God wants us to pray for. But the Holy Spirit prays for us with groanings that cannot be expressed in words.”

Also Read: Bible Verses About Overcoming the Devil

Faith as a Shield

Faith is our shield against the fiery arrows of the devil. When we trust God fully, we are protected from the lies and attacks of the enemy.

Ephesians 6:16

“In addition to all of these, hold up the shield of faith to stop the fiery arrows of the devil.”

Hebrews 11:6

“And it is impossible to please God without faith. Anyone who wants to come to him must believe that God exists and that he rewards those who sincerely seek him.”

1 John 5:4

“For every child of God defeats this evil world, and we achieve this victory through our faith.”

Romans 10:17

“So faith comes from hearing, that is, hearing the Good News about Christ.”

Galatians 2:20

“My old self has been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me. So I live in this earthly body by trusting in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.”

The Armor of God

God provides spiritual armor to protect us from the devil’s attacks. By putting on this armor daily, we are equipped to stand firm and remain victorious.

Ephesians 6:13

“Therefore, put on every piece of God’s armor so you will be able to resist the enemy in the time of evil. Then after the battle you will still be standing firm.”

Ephesians 6:14

“Stand your ground, putting on the belt of truth and the body armor of God’s righteousness.”

Ephesians 6:15

“For shoes, put on the peace that comes from the Good News so that you will be fully prepared.”

Ephesians 6:17

“Put on salvation as your helmet, and take the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.”

Ephesians 6:12

“For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.”

Victory Through Christ

Jesus Christ has already defeated the devil. Through His victory, we too can overcome any attack and live in the freedom and power of His resurrection.

Colossians 2:15

“In this way, he disarmed the spiritual rulers and authorities. He shamed them publicly by his victory over them on the cross.”

1 John 4:4

“But you belong to God, my dear children. You have already won a victory over those people, because the Spirit who lives in you is greater than the spirit who lives in the world.”

Romans 8:37

“No, despite all these things, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loved us.”

1 Corinthians 15:57

“But thank God! He gives us victory over sin and death through our Lord Jesus Christ.”

Revelation 12:11

“And they have defeated him by the blood of the Lamb and by their testimony. And they did not love their lives so much that they were afraid to die.”

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