33 Important Bible Verses About Stubbornness

Stubbornness is often seen as a trait that can lead to a hard heart, unwillingness to listen, and disobedience to God. The Bible provides many warnings about the dangers of stubbornness, showing how it can separate us from God’s will. Whether it is resisting His voice or refusing to repent, stubbornness is a serious issue that can have spiritual consequences. Below are top Bible verses that deal with the topic of stubbornness.

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The Dangers of a Hardened Heart

The Bible frequently speaks about the consequences of having a hardened heart, which is a result of stubbornness. When people harden their hearts, they become resistant to God’s guidance and unwilling to change their ways. This kind of stubbornness can prevent them from experiencing the fullness of God’s blessings.

Proverbs 28:14

“Blessed are those who fear to do wrong, but the stubborn are headed for serious trouble.”

Exodus 8:15

“But when Pharaoh saw that relief had come, he became stubborn. He refused to listen to Moses and Aaron, just as the LORD had predicted.”

Romans 2:5

“But because you are stubborn and refuse to turn from your sin, you are storing up terrible punishment for yourself. For a day of anger is coming, when God’s righteous judgment will be revealed.”

Hebrews 3:15

“Remember what it says: ‘Today when you hear his voice, don’t harden your hearts as Israel did when they rebelled.'”

Psalm 95:8

“The LORD says, ‘Don’t harden your hearts as Israel did at Meribah, as they did at Massah in the wilderness.'”

Refusing to Listen to God’s Voice

Stubbornness often manifests itself in refusing to listen to God’s commands or the guidance He provides. When we close our ears to His voice, we place ourselves in opposition to His will and His ways. Listening to God requires humility and a willingness to be led by Him.

Jeremiah 7:24

“But my people would not listen to me. They kept doing whatever they wanted, following the stubborn desires of their evil hearts. They went backward instead of forward.”

Proverbs 29:1

“Whoever stubbornly refuses to accept criticism will suddenly be destroyed beyond recovery.”

Zechariah 7:12

“They made their hearts as hard as stone, so they could not hear the instructions or the messages that the LORD of Heaven’s Armies had sent them by his Spirit through the earlier prophets. That is why the LORD of Heaven’s Armies was so angry with them.”

Acts 7:51

“You stubborn people! You are heathen at heart and deaf to the truth. Must you forever resist the Holy Spirit? That’s what your ancestors did, and so do you!”

Psalm 81:11-12

“But no, my people wouldn’t listen. Israel did not want me around. So I let them follow their own stubborn desires, living according to their own ideas.”

The Call to Humility and Obedience

Humility is the opposite of stubbornness. The Bible calls us to be humble and obedient to God’s word. Instead of clinging to our own ways, we are called to submit to His will. Humility opens the door to blessings, while stubbornness closes us off from God’s grace.

James 4:6

“And he gives grace generously. As the Scriptures say, ‘God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.'”

Isaiah 1:19-20

“If you will only obey me, you will have plenty to eat. But if you turn away and refuse to listen, you will be devoured by the sword of your enemies. I, the LORD, have spoken!”

Micah 6:8

“No, O people, the LORD has told you what is good, and this is what he requires of you: to do what is right, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God.”

1 Peter 5:5

“In the same way, you who are younger must accept the authority of the elders. And all of you, dress yourselves in humility as you relate to one another, for ‘God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.'”

Philippians 2:3

“Don’t be selfish; don’t try to impress others. Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourselves.”

The Example of Pharaoh’s Stubbornness

Pharaoh’s stubbornness is a well-known example in the Bible of how pride and refusal to listen to God can lead to devastating consequences. Despite witnessing God’s power, Pharaoh repeatedly hardened his heart, leading to the downfall of his kingdom.

Exodus 7:13

“Pharaoh’s heart, however, remained hard. He still refused to listen, just as the LORD had predicted.”

Exodus 9:12

“But the LORD hardened Pharaoh’s heart, and just as the LORD had predicted to Moses, Pharaoh refused to listen.”

Exodus 10:20

“But the LORD hardened Pharaoh’s heart again, so he refused to let the people go.”

Exodus 14:4

“And once again I will harden Pharaoh’s heart, and he will chase after you. I have planned this in order to display my glory through Pharaoh and his whole army.”

Exodus 8:32

“But Pharaoh again became stubborn and refused to let the people go.”

The Consequences of Stubbornness

The Bible warns us of the serious consequences of stubbornness. When we refuse to turn away from sin and continue down our own path, it leads to spiritual and sometimes physical destruction. These verses show that resisting God’s will only brings negative outcomes.

Proverbs 29:1

“Whoever stubbornly refuses to accept criticism will suddenly be destroyed beyond recovery.”

Isaiah 30:1

“‘What sorrow awaits my rebellious children,’ says the LORD. ‘You make plans that are contrary to mine. You make alliances not directed by my Spirit, thus piling up your sins.'”

Romans 9:18

“So you see, God chooses to show mercy to some, and he chooses to harden the hearts of others so they refuse to listen.”

Psalm 81:12

“So I let them follow their own stubborn desires, living according to their own ideas.”

Jeremiah 5:23

“But my people have stubborn and rebellious hearts. They have turned away and abandoned me.”

God’s Patience with Stubborn People

Even though stubbornness can lead to sin, God is patient and merciful. He offers countless opportunities for repentance and return. These verses highlight God’s long-suffering nature and His willingness to forgive those who turn back to Him after being stubborn.

2 Peter 3:9

“The Lord isn’t really being slow about his promise, as some people think. No, he is being patient for your sake. He does not want anyone to be destroyed, but wants everyone to repent.”

Nehemiah 9:17

“They refused to obey and did not remember the miracles you had done for them. Instead, they became stubborn and appointed a leader to take them back to their slavery in Egypt. But you are a God of forgiveness, gracious and merciful, slow to become angry, and rich in unfailing love. You did not abandon them.”

Exodus 34:6

“The LORD passed in front of Moses, calling out, ‘Yahweh! The LORD! The God of compassion and mercy! I am slow to anger and filled with unfailing love and faithfulness.'”

Joel 2:13

“Don’t tear your clothing in your grief, but tear your hearts instead. Return to the LORD your God, for he is merciful and compassionate, slow to get angry and filled with unfailing love. He is eager to relent and not punish.”

Isaiah 30:18

“So the LORD must wait for you to come to him so he can show you his love and compassion. For the LORD is a faithful God. Blessed are those who wait for his help.”

Stubbornness as a Barrier to Spiritual Growth

Stubbornness can prevent us from growing spiritually. When we cling to our own ideas and refuse to change, we hinder the transformation that God wants to bring into our lives. These verses remind us of the importance of being teachable and open to God’s guidance.

Proverbs 1:7

“Fear of the LORD is the foundation of true knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline.”

Hebrews 12:14

“Work at living in peace with everyone, and work at living a holy life, for those who are not holy will not see the Lord.”

Colossians 3:16

“Let the message about Christ, in all its richness, fill your lives. Teach and counsel each other with all the wisdom he gives. Sing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs to God with thankful hearts.”

James 1:22

“But don’t just listen to God’s word. You must do what it says. Otherwise, you are only fooling yourselves.”

2 Timothy 3:16

“All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right.”

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What Does the Bible Say About Stubbornness

The Bible has a lot to say about stubbornness, and it doesn’t paint a pretty picture. Being stubborn is often seen as a refusal to listen, a resistance to change, and a strong determination to have things your way, no matter what. Now, there’s nothing wrong with being determined or standing your ground when you are right. But the Bible warns against a stubborn attitude that goes against God’s will and guidance.

Stubbornness is mostly seen as a heart issue. When a person is stubborn, they harden their heart, making it difficult for God to reach them. There’s a lot of trouble that can come from this. Take Pharaoh from the book of Exodus, for example. God sent Moses to tell Pharaoh to let the Israelites go, but Pharaoh’s heart was stubborn and hard. He refused to listen. Even after seeing God’s power through plagues, he held on to his own will, causing suffering not only to himself but to his people. His stubbornness led to a lot of unnecessary pain. So, when we act stubbornly, it’s not just about us; it can affect those around us, too.

The Bible calls stubbornness a kind of rebellion, and rebellion is like setting yourself up against God. It’s when you say, “I’m going to do things my way, even if God says something else.” That kind of attitude puts a wall between you and God. It’s not that God stops speaking to you, but you stop hearing Him because you are set in your ways. In 1 Samuel, there’s a story about King Saul, who was given instructions by God but decided to do things his way. Because of his stubbornness, he lost the favor of God. God’s word calls this kind of stubbornness a form of idolatry because you put your own will above God’s will.

Stubbornness also stops us from growing. When we refuse to change, learn, or adjust, we’re saying we don’t need to improve. But God wants us to grow, to be more like Him. If we keep our hearts open, we can learn, change, and become better. That’s what God wants for us. But when we’re stubborn, we block that process. We might think we’re right, but we’re missing out on what God has for us. It’s like a closed fist—you can’t receive anything with a closed fist. In the same way, if our hearts are closed, we can’t receive God’s blessings, wisdom, or love.

The Bible encourages us to have a teachable spirit. This doesn’t mean we have to agree with everything or be a pushover, but it does mean being open to correction, advice, and change. When we’re willing to listen, God can lead us, guide us, and help us avoid trouble. Being stubborn, on the other hand, can lead us to make the same mistakes over and over again. That’s no way to live.

The good news is that God can help us with stubbornness. No matter how set in our ways we might be, God can soften our hearts. He can change us from the inside out. But we have to be willing. We have to come to Him and admit that we need help. That’s the first step—admitting that we can’t do it alone. And once we do that, God is faithful to guide us, correct us, and lead us to a better way of living.

So, what does the Bible say about stubbornness? It says it’s a problem, one that can lead to rebellion, pain, and missed opportunities. But it also says there’s hope. If we are willing to listen and let God work in us, He can change our stubborn hearts and help us grow into better, more loving, and more joyful people.

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